silhouette photography of coconut palm trees

Because of Summer Leave I won't work until august 13th. Try Nienke van den Ende or Ineke van Straeten.


I'm an 'IBCLC' - International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
This certification represents my complete and up-to-date expertise of breast- feeding and mother’s breast milk. Furthermore I am committed to quality demands which are ensured in the Netherlands by (NVL = Nederlandse Vereniging van Lactatiekundigen) i.e. Dutch Association of Lactation Consultants.

The General Terms and Conditions are applicable, when you make an appointment or you use the services I provide. These have been drafted by NVL and are commonly used by lactation consultants, please click here.

All personal information provided by you will not be passed on to third parties without your consent. This also applies for next of kin, unless you, as my client, have given permission to do so. I, as IBCLC certified lactation consultant, am obliged to and will at all times comply with the law on Medical Confidentiality.

During my work activities, I will abide by the WHO Code of Conduct. Therefore I only use products and brands of companies which abide by this Code of Conduct. This is why some brands are not promoted by me. 'The Code' is published by the WHO, but, if you are curious, please click here.

If you are not satisfied with the care and support provided by me or unhappy about our contact and would therefore like to file a complaint, I of course hope that you will inform me in advance. In addition you could turn to Klachtenportaal Zorg (Complaints Portal Medical Care System) or the Geschillencommissie (Disputes Committee). You can find more information on the procedure on the website of the professional association, NVL (Nederlandse Vereniging van Lactatiekundigen) i.e. Dutch Association of Lactation Consultants.