silhouette photography of coconut palm trees

Because of Summer Leave I won't work until august 13th. Try Nienke van den Ende or Ineke van Straeten.

Breastfeeding and chestfeeding support

Lactation consultant in Amsterdam, Zaandam, Oostzaan, Waterland

How may I help you ?

Although breastfeeding seems a natural thing to do, giving breastmilk can be difficult for parents. Children also need a bit of support sometimes to enable them to be better drinkers. I can advise you or help when needed.

As a lactation consultant I generally visit at home in Amsterdam, Zaandam, Landsmeer, Oostzaan, Waterland. I help with breastfeeding and advise on the way the baby drinks milk. When you're in doubt about the breastmilk production or you experience pain in your breast, call me for help.


"Desi is a very professional, friendly, kind and understanding person. She came over to our house and made me feel comfortable right away. Desi gave me practical and constructive advice, listened to my opinion and made me feel confident about breastfeeding my baby. I would certainly recommend her to any mom who needs advice on breastfeeding!"

Ieva Galstian